For Organizations That Want To Eliminate Workplace Stress
For Organizations That Want To Eliminate Workplace Stress

Free Your Company From Stress & Negativity with America's Health Doctor and Create a Work Environment With High Energy, Increased Creativity, and More Enjoyment…

Take This Quick Survey Below To See If The 5-Day Challenge Is Right For You And Your Organization…

Do you see that stress-levels in your company are hurting your teams ability to think creatively?
Do you see that stress-levels in your company are hurting your teams ability to think creatively?
Are you looking for a quick way to decrease the stress levels throughout your organization?
Are you looking for a quick way to decrease the stress levels throughout your organization?
Are you looking for a better way to improve personal leadership, increase your companies performance, and enhance the creativity throughout your organization?
Are you looking for a better way to improve personal leadership, increase your companies performance, and enhance the creativity throughout your organization?

If you answer “YES” to one or more above, then the Zero Level Stress program is exactly what your organization needs to manage every day workplace stress and put your team in a position to be more productive and happy

Stress is one of the biggest problems plaguing the world today

Stress is one of the biggest problems plaguing the workplace today

According to Compare Camps[1]:
 There are 94% of workers who report experiencing chronic stress in the workplace…
 Over half of all Americans report feeling stressed during the day, with 33% reporting extreme stress
 Around one million workers are absent every day due to stress, costing the global economy $1 trillion in lost productivity…
 As a direct result of work-related stress, 120,000 deaths occur every year…
And with everything going on in the world, from Covid to one of the biggest recession economic downturns in history on the horizon…
Knowing how to manage and cope with stress is one of the most important things a company can train their employees on.

Yet most companies don’t even know where to begin when it comes to eliminating stress from the daily life of their employees!

This lead me to an incredibly important question…
"How can some people live a stress-free life while others are paralyzed by even the smallest of things that go wrong?".
In search of the answer to that question, I embarked on the journey to find the answer, and what I discovered is breathtaking and astounding!

Seven words that will change the world (more on this in a minute).
You see, we’ve been studying the brain and its functions for years now, but there’s so much we didn’t understand.
However, there is a new technology called Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) that can reveal where people think from.

This is where things got interesting…

During a recent study, people were placed in fMRI machines with the simple task of "Don't think about yourself."

If they do, a red light will go on.

As expected, it didn’t take long before people began to think about their problems and compare themselves to others causing the flashing red light.

This continued for several days, but after 3 weeks they gradually stopped thinking about themselves.

They learned to focus on someone else or creative ideas instead of themselves. 

And amazingly, the red light stayed off during the entire session!

Okay, but why does this even matter, Dr. Gary?

Glad you asked! This is extremely important because when they are checked in on three months later the results are incredible.

They are healthier, more productive, three times more creative, have a more enjoyable life, and they are better friends and citizens!

All because they stopped thinking about themselves!
So why did not thinking about themselves have such a huge impact?

Because what we found is when people think about themselves, they're doing so from the cingulate region of the brain.

Or in better terms… The stress center.

If you’re stressed, then you’re thinking about yourself from the stress center.
That’s why when we start to think about ourselves we start to think about things like our problems…

Being angry at ourselves and having negative self-judgment…

Feeling sorry for ourselves…

Comparing ourselves to others…

Trying to be someone else, especially the perfect person we’ve created in your head…

Thinking about what other people think of you… or most commonly worrying.

If your team is falling victim to any of these thought patters it's destroying their ability to think, create, and innovate.

And when you and your company takes the Zero Level Stress program, you’ll see a NEW way of thinking that’ll transfer this stressful thinking to thinking from the heart with kindness and giving, and thinking from the mind with creativity and success.

  I’m pleased to share the “Think From The Heart” method that has transformed my life to living at zero-level stress every day! And I know it has the power to do the same for you and everyone in your company…

Here’s Just a Fraction of What You and Your Team Will Take Away From Zero-Level Stress

Part #1: The Invisible Consequences of Living In Stress

Before we can eliminate stress, we need to understand where stress comes from and how to detect when our body is having a negative response to stress. That’s why during day 1, we’ll be covering:
 The Three Causes of Stress Money / Job / Relationships… And the #1 thing you can do to navigate these to go from Stressed to Blessed
 How Stress Causes Problems On Your Brain… Stress may not seem “dangerous” in the short run, however, in the long run, it can have detrimental consequences to your brain
 The Negative Consequences of Living a Stressful Life... And what you can do RIGHT NOW to put an end to them
 Benefits of living a stress-free life at zero-level stress… And how a shift in your thinking can help you get there

Part 2: The “New Way” To Train Your Brain

Now that we know where stress comes from and how to detect it, it’s time to start training your mind in the “new way” of thinking. During day 2, we’ll be covering:
 The New Science of The Brain… And how new tech found the secret to training your brain to eliminate stress and create more love and happiness
 The Three Independent Brain Regions That Control Our Everyday Thoughts and Emotions... And why knowing these are a MUST to navigating your way through stressful situations and creating more joy in your life
 The Main Functions of The Three Brain Regions… And the negative feelings each of these functions creates in your body
 The Secret To Training Your Thinking Away From These Regions… And why moving your thinking to your heart is the key to a happier, healthier, and more positive you

Part #3: The #1 Secret To Removing Stress

Now that you know how to train your brain for the NEW way of thinking, it’s time to discover how to put these new thoughts in action and start Thinking From The Heart. During day 3, we’ll be covering:
 How To Discover “Where” You Think From… This is critical for removing stress from your everyday life and creating a life full of bliss
 How Thinking From The Heart Can Remove Stress… And why thinking from the brain will heighten your stress levels…
 The Biggest Discovery Around Why Thinking From The Heart Is So Effective… Hint: The heart keeps itself healthy at all costs
 The Secret To Thinking From The Heart... And its positive effect on your body and mind

Part #4: Using the Mind to Remove Stress

Thinking from the mind will eliminate stress because you can only think from one location at a time. If you’re stressed, you’re thinking from the head then you can’t think from the heart with giving or the mind for solving problems. That’s why during day 4, we’ll be covering:
 The Secret To Slowing Down Your Brainwaves... And how it can help you reach zero stress
 The “Missing Link” Stopping You From Activating The Mind For Creativity and Innovation... And how finding this missing link can help you live a happier, more joyful, and calmer life
 How Living In The Moment With Attention Is The Key To Creating Flow Throughout Your Life... Focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the act of performing the activity are all ingrained in this mental state.
 A Unique Approach For Developing The Ability To Control Your Attitude and Feelings… This is the secret to cultivating courage, total calmness, acceptance, belonging, and unconditional love

Part #5: Applying The Principles To Eliminate Stress and Live With Zero-Level Stress

Learn to know when you’re thinking from the head stress center, allowing 6 to 8 seconds, and then think from the heart or from the mind to banish stress from your life. During the last day, we’ll be covering:
 The fMRI study shows the origin of the stress brain region
 Transforming thinking from stress to thinking from the heart with kindness and giving
 Transferring thinking from the stress center to the mind for the feelings of courage, total calmness, acceptance, belonging, and unconditional love
 The Secret To Thinking From The Heart... And its positive effect on your body and mind

Are You Ready To Create A Happier, Calmer, and More Creative TEAM?

Click The Button Below and Register

Meet America’s Health Doctor

Dr. Gary Epler

Dr. Gary Epler developed the Eplerian Philosophy. It is defined as knowing who you are moment by moment.

This means knowing where you’re thinking from; the head, heart, gut, body, or the mind, which is outside the body. 

Think from the heart with kindness and giving.

Think from the mind with courage, creativity to solve problems and help others, innovation to improve people’s lives, and success.

Besides being an internationally known Harvard Medical School professor, Dr. 

Gary Epler is an expert on health education, peak productivity, and leadership.

He has been called upon by individuals from around the globe who have a rare lung disease called BOOP that he discovered.

His speaking engagements, books, teaching, and consulting have impacted the lives of countless people throughout the world.

Dr. Epler is excited to take this journey with you to achieve Zero-Level Stress.

Dr. Gary Epler developed the Eplerian Philosophy. It is defined as knowing who you are moment by moment. This means knowing where you’re thinking from; the head, heart, gut, body, or the mind, which is outside the body. Think from the heart with kindness and giving. Think from the mind with courage, creativity to solve problems and help others, innovation to improve people’s lives, and success. Besides being an internationally known Harvard Medical School professor, Dr. Gary Epler is an expert on health education, peak productivity, and leadership. He has been called upon by individuals from around the globe who have a rare lung disease called BOOP that he discovered. His speaking engagements, books, teaching, and consulting have impacted the lives of countless people throughout the world. Dr. Epler is excited to take this journey with you to achieve Zero-Level Stress.

What Makes The Zero Level Stress Challenge Better?
  • Zero Level Stress:
You’ll have the opportunity to learn from an internationally known doctor with vast teaching experience and multiple health books.
  • Other Training:
Other events may be conducted with texts and outdated information.
  • Zero Level Stress:
You’ll get the exact steps Dr. Epler has used and continues to use to eliminate stress while creating more joy, happiness, and abundance.
  • Other Training:
Other events may give a cookie-cutter quick-fix approach.
  • Zero Level Stress:
After you've completed the program, you and your team will have the insight and steps needed to go from stress to la workplace of kindness and calmness.
  • Other Training:
Other events may have no written follow-up plan to propel you to create a more joy-filled life.
  • Zero Level Stress:
You and your team walk away with a physical plan with the event workbook to look back on day after day to follow the plan to create a better and happier workplace environment 
  • Other Training:
Gives good insight and then leaves you high and dry without an actual plan to create a more joy-filled life.

Once You Get Access To The Zero-Level Stress Program You Receive The Following

Five days of 20-minute live daily sessions that will be recorded for your use at any time. In addition, these video programs  will support
you on your journey to a 
healthy way of life filled with high energy, creativity, happiness, and 
a more enjoyable workplace!

Video 1

Fundamental Health Habit 
Nutrition Lifestyle

Video 2

Fundamental Health Habit
Eight Hours of Sleep

Video 3

Fundamental Health Habit
One Hour of Exercise

Video 4

The 6-8 Second Anger 
Release Rule

There’s More information 


In order to help you and your team transform your lives, eliminate stress, and experience the joy, creativity, and happiness that so many of us deeply desire throughout our workday...

You'll need to sign up now.

See, so often we have imagined our lives to be so different than they are right now.

I always had the vision of traveling across the globe, inspiring and helping the masses to bigger and healthier futures…

And because of the information, I’ll be teaching over these 5-days all of this was possible.
The truth is we weren’t born to a life full of stress, anger, and anxiety.

We were born to live a life full of abundance, peace, and joy.

But just like with anything in life there are always two roads to take…

You can continue to go about your day and shove this event to the back of your mind.

You can wake up tomorrow morning…

Still feeling that knot in the pit of your stomach as you walk into your workday knowing you could've done something different…

All while other organizations just like yours have the power to live the same life you’re living but doing so with more happiness, more creativity, and more enjoyment.

But there is another road you can take…

Learning about stress to optimize thinking from the heart and the mind.

Imagine the feeling of not having the increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, and muscle tightness from a stressful meeting; and the dangerous consequences of cortisol-induced inflammation. 

Imagine replacing your organizations negative and unpleasant thoughts with the feeling of calmness and enjoyment.

Imagine what your workday would be like if you and your team could stay calm throughout difficult situations and not react.

Imagine being able to wake up knowing that no matter what happens at work today you and your team have the tools you need to be happy.

Imagine walking outside after a long-day of work and being able to greet the sunset with a smile knowing deep down this is the company culture you were supposed to have all along.

All because you took one small step towards creating a better environment for your organization by changing the way you and everyone else thinks.

If this is what you’ve been looking for then let's take that step together.

Click the button below to register in the Zero-Level Stress program right now.

To health and happiness,
Dr. Gary Epler
America’s Health Doctor

Are You Ready To Create A Happier, Calmer, and More Creative Culture For Your Organization?

Click The Button Below and Get Access To The Zero-Level Stress Challenge!
Copyright by Dr. Gary Epler / All Rights Reserved / 2022-2023
No part of this program may be used or reproduced or translated in any manner whatsoever by any electronic or mechanical means (including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval) without permission in writing from Dr. Gary Epler and Epler Health, Inc., except in the case of brief quotation embodied in news articles, critical articles, or media reviews. The views expressed in this program are those of Dr. Gary Epler and do not necessarily reflect views of any other individuals, medical groups, or organizations. This program is for general informational and educational purposes only, and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. This program does not offer a medical diagnostic or treatment opinion about any specific facts. Competent medical advice should be sought before any action is taken in a specific situation by a particular party.

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